We'll get you all the way to achieve your goals!
We all want to stay fit, but we’re all different and each of us needs a program tailored to our own objectives. Join us and together we’ll find the perfect one for you.
With Gym ON you can
Lose Weight
Lose Weight
EMS Training has many amazing benefits, one of which is its ability to promote and contribute to weight loss. It’s not rocket science or magic…
Build Muscles
Build Muscles
The electrodes are placed on the body, directly over each major muscle group, so all the impulses reach their target. It’s easy, safe and you can’t go wrong.
Achieve A Toned Body
Achieve A Toned Body
Certain low-impact, weight-bearing exercises performed in a standing position can help tone muscles while strengthening the bones, which over time improves your posture.
Balance Out The Muscular System
Balance Out The Muscular System
EMS training can also be used if there are muscular imbalances or underdeveloped muscles. Targeting the appropriate muscle groups is done by placing the electrodes in of the GYM ON EMS training suit in the right spots, for maximum efficiency.
Improve Posture
Improve Posture
Using EMS training can help improve your posture. The special designed GYM ON training programs contain exercises for the back, the lower back, the abs and even the shoulders.
Postnatal Recovery
Postnatal Recovery
Because GYM ON EMS training targets deep muscle tissue, it can strengthen your pelvic floor quickly after giving birth, meaning a real reduction of postnatal pelvic floor weakness.
Relieve Joints
Relieve Joints
A right balance of flexibility, muscle strengthening, and aerobic exercises can support you maintain joints health. We have dedicated GYM ON training programs that include a mix of exercises with our EMS training suit on.
Boost Mental Health
Boost Mental Health
People who exercise regularly tend to do so because it gives them an enormous sense of well-being. They feel more energetic throughout the day, sleep better at night, have sharper memories, and feel more relaxed and positive about themselves and their lives.
Lose Weight
Build Muscles
Achieve A Toned Body
Certain low-impact, weight-bearing exercises performed in a standing position can help tone muscles while strengthening the bones, which over time improves your posture.